Flat Roof Inspections

Flat Roof Inspections

Keeping your flat roof in the best possible condition demands you invest in regular inspections and maintenance as required. Regular flat roof inspections are affordable and easy to arrange, but they can highlight issues that can be solved before they become expensive. This ultimately extends your flat roof’s useful life – many insurers will require regular flat roof inspections as a condition of coverage.

Lengthening the life of your flat roof

Flat roofs are very reliable, and when installed correctly they have a long and useful life to offer. But, they require a more consistent and regular approach to maintenance and inspections than tile and slate roofs. With simple attention, however, they can be highly durable.

The process is more involved than just looking for leaks, however. Badly maintained flat roofs can become prone to erosion and general structural weakness – ultimately this will lead to the roofing membrane degenerating. This, over time, may lead to roof weakening and failing completely.

Simple, regular inspections will highlight problem areas around your flat roof long before they become expensive or troublesome to rectify. Keeping on top of these minor issues will keep your flat roof watertight, weatherproof, and structurally sound for as long as possible.

Read more: What’s Involved in a Flat Roof Inspection?

Flat Roof Inspections
Flat Roof Inspections

Invasive or non-invasive inspections?

Flat roof inspections are generally broken down into two categories – invasive and non-invasive. Invasive inspections are done usually by removing a small roof portion in order to check the level of damage done by a leak. Non-invasive inspections are done using sophisticated thermal imaging, and will not require the removal of any part of the roof to see where damage or improper installation has occurred.

How often do you need an inspection?

Glass Reinforced Plastic/fibreglass and rubber EPDM are the two main materials used on flat roofs. They generally have a 20 to 30-year lifespan with minimal maintenance. Getting an annual flat roof inspection can lengthen the useful life of your roof considerably, however.

If you live in an area with excessive heat or that is prone to strong winds and heavy rain, it might be worth considering investing in bi-annual flat roof inspections. This will allow you to keep ahead of any weather damage, and ensure your roof remains in the best possible condition.

Small affordable problems can become big expensive problems if left unattended, so contact us today to arrange your flat roof inspection.

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