Five Advantages of Flat Roofs for Homeowners

Five Advantages of Flat Roofs for Homeowners

Over the years, flat roofs have been a widely debated topic. Are they beneficial, are they worth the investment? Many homeowners may wonder whether they should opt for another roof style.

If you’re torn about whether you should get a flat roof for your house, we’re here to help you. Here are the five main advantages of flat roofs for homeowners!

They’re cheaper and quicker to build than pitched roofs

One of the main reasons why a lot more homeowners are opting for flat roofs is because they take less time to construct than pitched roofs do. Contractors can cost money, so if you want to reduce those costs then you can opt for a flat roof for it to take less time. It also means that you have to pay less money on temporary accommodation while your roof is being constructed.

These roofs are also much more affordable than pitched roofs are. A flat roof insulation board costs fairly little. The labor also costs a lot less because there isn’t as much risk involved. It will also cost you less money in the long run too, because the damage and repair costs aren’t as expensive.  The materials cost a lot less money too.

Flat roofs also have the added bonus of having an increased lifespan in comparison to pitched roofs, which can also save you money in the long run. They are designed to be able to withstand the strain of extreme weather, from rain, to wind and snow.

Easier access for maintenance

Flat roofs are also a lot easier to access than pitched roofs are. If you are going to be putting up some solar panels or air conditioning units then it’s much easier to actually get to them. In addition to this, it’s harder to see them on the ground so people are less likely to attempt to see them.

Furthermore, flat roofs are much safer when it comes to access. When you’re on a flat roof, there is a lot less risk of falling because you are standing on solid ground without gravity potentially working against you. You can simply grab a ladder and climb on up. You can also install hatches in the room from the interior in order to get up that way too.

Easier to install solar panels

You may not know this, but a flat roof is an ideal place for installing a solar panel. In fact, flat roof solar panel systems are a lot easier to install than ones designed for sloped rooftops. As we’ve also mentioned above, it’s also easier to access them.

Naturally, this also means that solar panels are less expensive to install as there is less risk. Workers do not need to have extra special equipment, and there’s no need to drill holes into the roof to get the solar panels installed. Flat roof solar panel systems usually just use a weighted mounting system, which means that gravity is the only thing needed to anchor down your solar panels.

Solar panels can even be installed at the ideal angle in order to get the best out of your electricity output. When you’re installing solar panels on a sloped roof there is really only one orientation you can use. With flat roofs, you can orient your solar panels in whatever way is best to maximise the output. Ultimately that results in a system that performs a lot better.

Better Heat Retention

Flat roofs look good, cost less and are a great opportunity for using solar energy, but what are they like as far as energy efficiency is concerned? Well, if you’re energy conscious you will be pleased to know that flat roofs are great for heat retention and energy efficiency.

Flat roofs are usually better as far as energy is concerned because they are insulated differently. They usually have a membrane system that you apply on top of rigid insulation sheets.

This means that there aren’t as many gaps in the roof like a pitched roof. With a flat roof, energy escapes a lot less meaning that it costs you a lot less in energy than it would if you had a flat roof instead.

Certain materials can also insulate a roof much better than others. For example, rubber roofing, known by roofing professionals as Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer, or EPDM. This material is very energy efficient, and some studies have suggested that they are able to reduce roof surface temperatures from 30 to 40 percent. You can also opt for green roofs and PVC roofs, each with their own advantages and disadvantages.

Multi Functional Rooftop Areas

One of the key benefits of a flat roof is that you are able to use the space for all sorts of different reasons. As we’ve already mentioned above, you can use the extra space to put your air conditioning units, solar panels on more.

What you can also do is turn the flat roof area into a versatile living space. You may wish to create a living room kind of area that you can relax in or hold a barbecue in. You can also choose to create an outdoor garden. This is especially handy if your house is in a city kind of area and you don’t have an outdoor garden of your own.

By using the flat roof as a living space, you can also save a little bit more space inside the house. You could crease a finished attic or a top floor apartment so you can really maximise on space that you didn’t already have.


As you can see, there are many different reasons to invest in a flat roof over a pitched roof. Of course, they also have their own disadvantages too. If you’re thinking about getting a flat roof and are looking from advice from an advisor you can trust, give us a call on our contact page for more information on how we can help you.

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